Expert on of methodologies and estimation techniques for diffuse emissions for agricultural activities (use of pesticides and fertilizers);

Oficiul Prevenirea Poluarii Mediului / Environmental Pollution Prevention Office №6400901, 21 aprilie 2018
Oraș: Chișinău
Studii: Superioare
Experiența de munca: Peste 5 ani
Salariu: Nespecificat
Program de muncă: Munca partiala / Cumul
EPPO is hiring the PRTR Expert for the identification of methodologies and estimation techniques for diffuse emissions on use of pesticides and fertilizers and conducting the sector-based training.

Task 1 Analyze the identified methodologies, and in particular the following aspects thereof:
o coverage and description of the sector (e.g. top down/bottom up, level of aggregation);
o need for particular input data (activity data, emission factors, etc.)
o estimated degree (in terms of completeness, quality, level of detail) of availability of such data (or how to generate it);
o the process used or needed for its collection.
o availability of appropriate input data and efforts needed to obtain it;
o achievable level of accuracy;
o the need for adaptation or modification of existing methodologies;
o flexibility for use across sectors, tackling air and water pollutants, etc.;
o potential gaps and inconsistencies.

Task 2 Identification of estimation methodologies applied for diffuse sources.
o coverage and description of the sector (e.g. top down/bottom up, level of aggregation);
o need for particular input data (activity data, emission factors, etc.)
o estimated degree (in terms of completeness, quality, level of detail) of availability of such data (or how to generate it);
o the process used or needed for its collection.
o availability of appropriate input data and efforts needed to obtain it;
o achievable level of accuracy;
o the need for adaptation or modification of existing methodologies;
o flexibility for use across sectors, tackling air and water pollutants, etc.;
o potential gaps and inconsistencies.
Task 3 – Provide support and feedbacks to develop the online reporting tool

- Support IT to develop an online reporting tool that will be used by operators to report data into the PRTR database. The online reporting format will be structured following the feedback of the PRTR expert.

Task 4 – Provide support to develop National Guidelines on Estimation Techniques
- The PRTR experts will work jointly to compile the methodologies identified for the relevant sectors to develop National Guidelines on Estimation Techniques.
Task 5 - conducting the sector-based trainings on application of the methodologies and estimation techniques for diffuse emission
Each National PRTR expert will liaise with EPPO project team and other relevant organizations and entitled working on PRTRs or similar initiatives. In general, it is expected that all experts shall do the minimum of the following tasks:
- To prepare the training outline, presentations and handout materials for the respective sector;
- To define the final list of participants of the trainings and to interact with them while reviewing and processing the annual report forms based on proposed methodologies and excel calculation sheets
- To participate in training reporting and evaluation
- To improve/ correct/ modify the methodological approach and explanations for the respective sectors based on the training outcomes, which will be used for defining the on-line reporting tool.

Expected Outputs/Outcomes:
It is expected that all outputs will be delivered in Romanian Language.
- Annexes to the Draft PRTR legislation, such as: list of pollutants, available methodologies, estimation techniques and calculation excel sheets etc.
- A sound overview of the existing methodologies for estimation of the pollutants releases for each target sector, with provision of the clear approach that should be used to assess them.
- Training outline, presentations and handout materials for the respective sector;
- Review of the annual report forms based on proposed methodologies and excel calculation sheets

Duration of Employment
The consultant output for the proposed assignment is expected to be executed within the 3-4 months period, starting with May 2018. The expected workload is estimated to 5-8 working days/month.
National PRTR Expert shall have the following expertise and competencies:
• University degree in the field of sector expertise.
• Proven experience in the field of expertise, including development of the similar tasks
• Knowledge of representatives of the target sector
• Excellent proficiency in Romanian and English
• Good analytical and writing skills

Interested candidates shall submit CV (in English) , motivation letter and financial offer (daily fee in USD all taxes included) no later than May 2, 2018 to the address, Any questions please address to phone number +373 22 22 25 42
+373 22 222 542
Persoana de contact:
Tatiana TUGUI, EPPO manager
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